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Systémy odběru odpadu

Nowadays, recycling is an important part of every household.

With the line of Albio systems for separate waste collection, we offer a complete separation island integrated into the kitchen cabinet, which adapts to different needs and sizes of the kitchen.

Systémy oddělování odpadu ALBIO jsou navrženy tak, aby umožňovaly co nejvhodnější odstranění kuchyňského odpadu z pracovních ploch. 

Kromě smíšeného binování, systémů umožňují oddělené odlupování různých druhů biologického a nebiologického odpadu. 

Díky různým velikostem kontejnerů a velké celkové kapacitě se hodí do každého domova.

There are 5 models of Waste segregation bin systems available, containing from one to three containers of different sizes.

See individual ALBIO models

Basic features and benefits of ALBIO

  • Metal guides and stable construction enable binning up to 60 litres of waste.
  • The systems are intended for quick and easy mounting onto the cabinet bottom.
  • The systems are designed to prevent unpleasant odours from escaping.
  • Depends on the model there are systems with one, two or three waste bins.
  • The bins are made of environment-friendly polymer materials, which are easy to clean and recyclable.
  • The built-in handles allow easy handling and stable insertion of trash bags.
  • System Albio 30 enables opening at the same time with door cabinet
  • System Albio 40 can be turned to a drawer system with normal or assisted and damped closing by means of optional accessories


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